Make Skin Look Even Toned With the Best Melasma Treatment

 Melasma is a common skin pigmentation condition characterised by the formation of dark brown or blue-grey skin patches in the sun-exposed areas of the body, and it mostly affects the face. It can appear as confluent, punctuate, or reticulate hyperpigmented macules and are distributed symmetrically over the skin surface as distinguishing marks. This skin condition is called chloasma (or pregnancy mask) when it affects pregnant females.


According to Dr. Priyanka Reddy, a dermatologist at DNA Skin Clinic, “melasma typically affects the face, but it can also appear on the neck and forearms. It most commonly affects the upper lips, cheeks, nose bridge, forehead area, chin, and also the forearms”. It is a harmless condition unrelated to any organ dysfunction or internal health condition. However, the brown discoloration of the skin can affect a person's appearance and self-esteem, which is why it is treated for cosmetic purposes.


With home remedies, melasma is not treatable. Hence taking the help of a dermatologist is a must to get the benefits of Melasma Treatment in Bangalore.


What triggers melasma?


The primary triggers of melasma are hormonal fluctuations. Hormone therapies, menopause, oral contraceptive use, and the application of the incorrect cosmetic can also cause melasma.


These are the most common dermatological procedures performed on melasma patients at DNA Skin Clinic:


Chemical Peel- This treatment is effective for. In this procedure, chemical agents are applied to the skin's surface. This aids in exfoliating the skin and removing superficial skin lesions by causing the controlled destruction of pigmentation or the entire epidermis of the skin, with or without the dermis. The procedure helps remove unwanted melanin and leads to the regeneration of new epidermal and dermal tissues by causing a limited chemical burn on the skin.


Microneedling- This treatment is most effective when used with topical and/or oral treatments. It is a minimally invasive, safe, and effective skincare procedure in which a tool with an abrasive end (i.e., tiny needles) is used to remove the outer skin layers associated with melasma while causing minimal or no damage to the underlying skin. It induces micro-wounds in the skin, stimulating new skin cells' growth.


Laser Toning- Melanin has a broad absorption spectrum, and the use of a variety of lasers (Q-switched lasers) and light sources (intense pulsed light) is effective in treating melasma. Targeting excess melanin in the skin and causing its selective photothermolysis is how this method works. In addition, the deeper skin tissues are heated to stimulate the body's natural response that stimulates collagen production. As a result, the skin becomes clear, smooth, and firm, giving it a youthful and healthy appearance.


What skincare tips can be used to prevent melasma?


  • Use mild skincare items

  • Creams that cause a stinging or burning sensation or irritate the skin should be avoided

  • Always use a sunblock with a high Sun Protection Factor

  • Wear a hat when venturing outdoors in the sun.


Dr. Priyanka Reddy is among the most qualified Skin Specialists in Bangalore at DNA Skin Clinic. She has extensive experience treating melasma and skin hyperpigmentation issues.


She is known for offering the best effective pigmentation treatments for managing melasma and other hyperpigmentation conditions.


Contact Dr. Priyanka Reddy for any more information on melasma treatment!


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